The aim of this study is to evaluate the physiotherapy intervention in the postoperative period of coronary transluminal angioplasty. This is an integrative clinical review. The following databases were used: MedLine, PubMed and VHL, from August 2018 to August 2019 by two researchers independently, in order to minimize possible study selection biases. It is noteworthy that the physical therapy approach showed improvement in fitness with a 30% reduction in hospital stay, lower levels of LDL, triglycerides, glucose, increased HDL, with a 40% decrease in mortality from cardiovascular events. It is unanimous the notes on the increase in workload tolerance in physical exercise, on average 40%, this increase was associated with a 30% reduction in mortality after angioplasty. There was an increase in the maximum oxygen peak of 32%, a reduction in resting heart rate with a tendency for better quality of life and functionality, especially, preventing intrastend restenosis. The physical therapy intervention added favorable clinical outcomes to the surgical treatment of coronary transluminal angioplasty. The most frequent physical therapy methods were exercises with light to moderate intensity and with progressive increase of workload. Physical exercise supervised by a physiotherapist was feasible and safe because it presented low rates of complications related to the puncture site and cardiac events during physiotherapy. Physical exercise inspected postoperatively for transfemoral angioplasty without the use of the vascular occlusion device was indicated 24 hours after dressing removal.

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